Revision of the Standards

Review of the new 2024 standards.

The standards have been completely revised and apply to both Indoor (in future “short track” or similar) and Outdoor.

Revision 20231206 of the SMA title and platform standards

WMA has generally revised the age factors and introduced them on 1.1.2023. SMA has determined that only members of SMA are eligible for the podium. These are the two main reasons for rethinking and revising the SMA title and platform standards in general.
In 2003, SMA introduced so-called medal standards for the Masters Championships. They were comprehensively revised and completed in 2012. These standards have been used to this day, with selective adjustments.
In addition to the main reasons mentioned at the beginning, the experience gained with the standards and the review of the justification for such standards are now being added.
In 2003, “quality assurance” was explicitly postulated: “Only good to very good performances should be awarded (…)” and “(…) the values should be at the performance level of the qualification values for the 2002 German Junior Championships”.

In 2011, it was decided to revise the standards because the Men’s Stardards were found to be to too strict. The revision led only slightly to less stringent standards, as “quality assurance” was still postulated.

The current (2023) revision abandons the wishful thinking of “quality assurance”. The justification for the standards is still upheld on the grounds that it is not presence that should be rewarded, but rather that the standard performance is achievable for most participants with relevant training.

The goal remains: Enjoyment of athletics and recognition of performance into old age!

All SMA Masters are invited to participate in the review process.

Please submit substantiated applications to by 15.01.2024.

With many thanks for your efforts.

Separate Masters-SM Hammer Throw: 19 August 2023 in Lucerne

Masters-SM 2023 Hammer Throw
Allmend Lucerne, August 19, 2023.
Registration online via Swiss Athletics (select Meeting Sarnen August 19, 2023).
Register under Men 7.26kg or Women 4kg; Throws will be done with the Category weight.
For registration notification, contact
Registration deadline 13.8.2023

CS masters 2023 Lancer du marteau
Allmend, Lucerne, le 19 août à Lucerne.
Inscription via le Tool de suisse athletics Meeting de Sarnen du 19 août 2023.
S’inscrire simplement sous hommes 7,26 kg ou femmes 4kg ; on lance avec le poids de la catégorie.
Notification que l’on s’est inscrit à Date limite de l’inscription : 13 août !

CS masters 2023 lancio del martello
Allmend Lucerna, il 19 agosto 2023.
Iscrizione tramite tool di swiss athletics meeting di Sarnen del 19 agosto 2023.
Basta registrarsi sotto uomini 7,26kg o donne 4 kg; si lancerà con il peso della categoria.
Notifica che ci si è registrato a
Scadenza iscrizioni: il 13 agosto 2023

SMA Standards Hammer Throw

SMA Standards Hammer Throw

SMA Clothing

Dear Swiss Masters Athletics friends

It’s done!

For the members of Swiss Masters Athletics the new clothing is available. For both women and men, there are various items and a packages to choose from.

Link to SMA Packages:

The size chart will help you to choose the right size. KS-Sport offers Swiss Masters Athletics members discounted prices on other products such as apparel 15%, running shoes 20%, indoor shoes 20%, spike shoes 10%.